This Concentrated 1-Hour Class Teaches the Secrets and Techniques of Creativity
- This class is taught at your site while your employees are having lunch so that they can learn crucial creative techniques without missing work.
- In addition to the class material, the instructor will guide group interaction to promote team building during this lunch setting.
- The maximum class size is 24 employees and preferably assembled from cross-functional departments (different departments)
- Real-life example problems will be provided, or can be problems faced by your own company
- Lunch is provided by your company, or your employees can bring their own lunches.
Topics covered:
- How to focus on solving the right problem (e.g., draining the swamp instead of fighting alligators).
- Learn the new language of creativity that motivates your team and doubles everyone’s innovative output.
- Tricks to improve your powers of observation by looking through “new” eyes (parabola exercise)
- How to remove the blocks that are keeping you from reaching your full creative potential (e.g., how to remove the cop in your rear-view mirror).
- Divergent idea generation by deferring judgement and removing blocks (internal, perceptual, habitual and social)
- How to manage a brainstorming session to get full team participation and maximize the number of new ideas.
- Learn how to use the mind mapping technique find creative ways to convince people to follow your ideas (e.g., convince Eskimos to use ice cooler boxes / ice chests in the dead of winter)
- How to use the forced relationship creativity tool (e.g. how to improve customer loyalty)

- How to focus on solving the right problem (e.g., draining the swamp instead of fighting alligators).
- Learn the new language of creativity that motivates your team and doubles everyone’s innovative output.
- Tricks to improve your powers of observation by looking through “new” eyes (parabola exercise)
- How to remove the blocks that are keeping you from reaching your full creative potential (e.g., how to remove the cop in your rear-view mirror).
- Divergent idea generation by deferring judgement and removing blocks (internal, perceptual, habitual and social)
- How to manage a brainstorming session to get full team participation and maximize the number of new ideas.
- Learn how to use mind mapping to convince Eskimos to use ice coolers boxes in the dead of winter (i.e., how to use creativity to convince people to follow your ideas).
- How to use the forced relationship creativity tool (e.g. how to improve customer loyalty)